Backcountry Courses

A series of courses, developed to give you everything you need in order to master the art of carving turns on skis or a snowboard in the mountains.

Master the art of skiing or snowboarding and venture into the backcountry. We invite you on an adventure away from the groomed slopes, where you will experience the ultimate joy of carving turns in deep powder snow. We will take you to places where you will find freedom and unlimited possibilities for new descents.

This sequence of courses will give you the basic knowledge you need in order to step into the backcountry – perfecting your riding technique, learn how snow and avalanches form, how to make decision based on your knowledge and experience and how to get the most fun out of your day in the mountains.

Snowboard & ski Performance Course

6-7 ; 20-21 January 2024
Good riding technique is the foundation of your safety in the winter mountains.
This course was developed for everyone who wants to improve their skills and boost their performance in skiing or snowboarding. We will teach you how to carve turns on the piste and how to transfer this knowledge in the backcountry.

Avalanche Safety & Rescue Course 1

13-14 January 2024
During this course you will get to know how to travel safely in snow covered mountains, how to choose your line of ascent and descent, how to evaluate the terrain, how to organize a rescue operation. The practical part includes searching with an avalanche transceiver, probing, shovelling, tests and analysis of the snowpack.

Avalanche Safety & Rescue Course 2

Upon request
This course is suitable for skiers and snowboarders that want to deepen their knowledge regarding safety in the winter mountains – route planning, line of ascent and descent. We will practice those skills in the mountains in real life situations. First aid training will be held in the evenings on weekdays and we will do accident simulation on our day out in the field.

Introduction to Backcoutry Splitboard and Ski touring course

26-27 January 2024
This is a basic course for those that want to become familiar with the basics of splitboarding and ski touring, the equipment that’s required and to deepen your knowledge of avalanche safety.

STEEP TERRAIN & alpine techniques COURSE

24-25 February 2024
Climbing mountains in winter sometimes requires alpine equipment and techniques such as walking with crampons, using a rope to access the face you’re going to ride, using an ice axe to climb and to perform self arrest.

NAVIGATION and route planning course

Upon request
The ability to navigate in mountain terrain and good route planning are the keys to finding the best snow in the mountains.

Snowboard Technical Performance Course

Курс Усъвършенстване техниката на каране
7-8 ; 21-22 януари и 4-5 февруари 2023
Техниката на каране е в основата на прогреса и вашата безопасност в планината. За всички, които искат да усъвършенстват или научат карвинг техника на писта или карането извън писта сме подготвили курс, чрез който ще може да овладеете основите на сноуборда.

Курс Лавинна безопасност 
14-15 януари 2023

Следващата важна стъпка за карането на извън пистов терен е да знаете основните правила за лавинна безопасност, начините за оценяване стабилността на снежния склон и как да използвате най-ефективно лавинната екипировка.

Курс Лавинна безопасност Втора част
По предварителна заявка
Който желае да надгради познанията си, касаещи правила за движение в зимната планина – избор на маршрут за изкачване и линия за спускане. Всичко това ще бъде обвързано с много каране и практика по първа помощ.

BC Splitboard Intro Course

Курс Сплитборд интро или Въведение в ски туринга

28-29 януари 2023
Идва и времето да се запознаем от близо с основите на беккънтри туринга със сплитборд, ски или снегоходки, за да може да достигнем мястото от което да осъществим нашата мечтана линия.

Hike and Ride Steep Terrain Course

Курс Стръмни терени
25-26 февруари  2023
Изкачването на върхове понякога изисква познания за алпийски техники като ползване на котки и пикел и при необходимост влизане в склон с рапел. Важно условие е и добрата техника на каране по стръмни терени.

Mountain Navigation Course

Курс Навигация и планиране на маршрут
По предварителна заявка
Умението за навигацията в планината и доброто планиране на деня са ключовете към намирането на хубавия сняг и перфектната линия.

Introduction to Backcoutry Splitboard and Ski touring and Avalanche Awareness.

Two-day Beginners course

Learn the fundamental skills of safe backcountry travel, including how to use an avalanche beacon, rescue techniques, snow stability tests, avalanche forecast analysis and tour planning, how to use a Split-board/touring ski and climbing skins, uphill travel techniques (track setting, kick- and step-turns, pacing), downhill travel techniques (route selection, turning in varying snow conditions). And of course lots of hands-on experience.

This is a basic course that aims to become familiar with the basics of splitbord/touring ski and equipment needed for touring and to remember the basics of avalanche safety. We will look in detail how to read the terrain and to choose a safe route of ascent and descent line and how best to plan the day in the mountains.

Practice will help us hone riding off-piste, the techniques of turning uphill with splitbord/touring ski and avalanche safety  equipment.


Day 1
Arrival and accommodation in Bansko
Lecture  – Introduction to backcountry splitbord: Equipment and Safety.
Checking and set up of  equipment.

Day 2
Practical activities:
Determining the level of the group and Techniques for riding off-piste in the ski area.
Working with avalanche gear – looking for one or more caught in avalanche
We go to climb nearest summit – How to select a line of ascent and descent.  Techniques of turning uphill.
Feedback from the last day.
Lecture – Choose the line  of descent. Safety climbing and skiing.
Planning for the next day.

Day 3
Practical activities in the area: Climbing to Summit  and descent.
Participants will have the opportunity to practice what they have learned under the supervision of the guide.
Techniques for riding in deep snow and rough terrain.

Price:200 € per person. Minimum 2 people to start the course. Max 6 people per group.
Price includes: Two-day course with professional mountain splitbord/ski guide.
The price does not include: Avalanche safety equipment (transceiver, shovel and probe), transfers to starting/end point, splitboard/touring ski.
Rent of splitboard: 45 €/ per day

Advanced Backcountry Splitboard and Ski Touring

Two day Advanced course

The course focuses on equipment and procedures for travel in avalanche terrain, techniques for maximizing your efficiency on skins as well as trail setting. Special attention will be given to kick turning skills and tricks. Techniques for skiing and boarding in untracked snow will be demonstrated. Each participant will be given individual tips on how to improve their downhill skills.

Price: 200 € per person. Minimum 2 people to start the course. Max 6 people per group.
Price includes: Two-day course with professional mountain splitbord /ski guide.
The price does not include: Avalanche safety equipment (transceiver, shovel and probe), transfers to starting/end point, splitboard/touring ski.
Rent of splitboard: 45 € per day

Bulgarian Mountain Guides Association
Splitshop Bulgaria