Splitboard Festival

Splitboard Festival Bulgaria

Save the dates from 27th to 30th of March 2025

what to expect

During the festival

We will be happy to gather together and have fun no matter what are the conditions in the mountain. PRAY FOR SNOW!
If the conditions in the mountain doesn’t allow the practical part of the program to be fulfilled, then we would transform them to other useful activities.

“Split test” – everyone has the opportunity to try how to walk with a split board, how it is assembled into a whole board, what are its features and how it differs from an ordinary snowboard
Avalanche range for practicing the skills of working with an avalanche device, locating and digging out an avalanche casualty, which has become particularly popular among our young participants in recent years;
Yoga for recovery and injury prevention;
Presentations on various topics – sports, nutrition, how to take care of your equipment (cleaning waterproof clothes, waxing and sharpening the edges of skis and snowboards) and others.

Какво представлява самият фестивал?

Сплитборд фестивалът се провежда в Пирин планина, в подножието на вр. Безбог. Той не е обикновено развлекателно събитие, а тридневно събиране с образователна кауза. Нашата мисията е да покажем на хората как да бъдат отговорни в планината и какви знания и умения е нужно да притежават, за да бъдат в безопасност.

През последните 10 години, фестивалът е изиграл ключова роля за популяризирането на сплитборд туринга в България. Хижа Безбог събира на едно място сноубордисти и скиори, които искат да избягат от тълпите, да усетят свободата да стигнат до отдалечени върхове и да се спуснат по недокоснат бял склон. По време на събитието организираме турове с планински водачи, както и практически занимания, презентации и лекции на теми като лавинна безопасност, поддържка на екипировка, първа долекарска помощ, йога и правилно възстановяване за спортуващи и др. Участниците са от деца и младежи до опитни планинари.

Splitboard Festival

Welcome to 12’th Bulgarian Splitboard festival @Pirin mountain 27 – 30 march 2025
The festival aims popularization of splitboarding, unite splitboarders, provide testing possibilities for people interested in splitboarding, to go on organized guided tours together, promotes ecological and avalanche awareness in the backcountry and lots of fun and good vibes.

Let’s learn how to be responsible and prepared in the mountains!

what to expect

During the festival

We will be happy to gather together and have fun no matter what are the conditions in the mountain. PRAY FOR SNOW!
If the conditions in the mountain doesn’t allow the practical part of the program to be fulfilled, then we would transform them to other useful activities.

“Split test” – everyone has the opportunity to try how to walk with a split board, how it is assembled into a whole board, what are its features and how it differs from an ordinary snowboard
Avalanche range for practicing the skills of working with an avalanche device, locating and digging out an avalanche casualty, which has become particularly popular among our young participants in recent years;
Yoga for recovery and injury prevention;
Presentations on various topics – sports, nutrition, how to take care of your equipment (cleaning waterproof clothes, waxing and sharpening the edges of skis and snowboards) and others.

The event hosts:

  • 3 days organized riding in the region with guides,
  • testing of Jones,
  • testing of Spark R&D splitboard bindings,
  • avalanche safety workshop,
  • avalanche beacon test area,
  • splitboard workshop,
  • yoga practice,
  • presentations and lectures, music and dancing and many other surprises.

Important info and Terms and Conditions for participation:

  • Adequate clothing, avalanche equipment, and physical shape for being in the winter mountain.
  • Participation fee: 190 BGN.
  • Splitboard / Ski touring and Avalanche safety equipment.
  • Valid mountain insurance for off-piste.
  • Food, specialized equipment, and all other expenses are covered by participants.
  • For those who want to ride with our guides but don’t have the necessary specialized equipment, we could provide avalanche safety gear (transceiver, shovel, probe), snowshoes, and extendable poles for rent with pre-booking.
  • We meet from Thursday evening and the program starts from Friday morning for participants who are at the hut from Thursday.
  • Accommodation in Bezbog hut, link with prices for season 2025: 100 BGN for 2 nights in 4-bed dormitory rooms and 150 BGN for 3 nights.
  • Lift ticket: 30 BGN.
  • For those who want to participate, please fill in the registration form and pay 190 BGN festival fee.
  • The deadline for registering for the festival is 10.03.2025 or until the places are filled.
  • Places for the festival are limited.
  • The organizers keep their right to change the program according to the conditions in the mountain.

For further questions and registration:
info @ splitthemountain.com or + 359 878413012 – Nikolay Pavlov

    Names (*required)

    Your Email (*required)

    Mobile phone for contact (*required)

    What do you ride? (*required)

    SplitboardSnowboardTouring Ski

    Would you like to ride with mountain guides? (*required)


    Would you like to participate in splitboarding test? (*required)


    Do you need to rent equipment? (*required)

    Avalanche equipmentSnowshoesExtendable polesI have required equipment

    When are you going to arrive to Bezbog hut? (*required)

    27th march28th march29th march

    Your Message

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    Splitshop Bulgaria